I have been taking photos for only a few years, but I've loved being able to connect others with nature through my photos. Wildlife and nature is my main interest, but you never know what you will come across. There's a picture around every corner. One of my photos was shortlisted for the 2020 Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest and for the 2020 Bird Photographer of the year contest. New Brags...I was also honored to win first place in the non-professional section for Nature in the 21st edition of the Julia Margaret Cameron Award for Women Photographers in 2023. One of my photos was also selected to be a part of the Birds Canada 2024 calendar-their main fundraising campaign.
Check out the 2025 Calendars!
There are 4 calendars available for purchase. Feathered Friends, Canadian Wildlife, Butterflies & Flowers, and Owls & Friends They are $ 25 each CDN. Shipping is $5 in Canada per calendar. For US orders $27 USD incl. shipping each. Spiral bound, 9x12, printed on cardstock.
Accept etransfer, cash, Paypal
8x10 Soft cover, 10 page, picture book.
"Owls, owls, and more owls" Depicts several different species of owls found in Ontario.
"Baby birds" Depicts several different Ontario bird species as sweet babies.
These books are sure to please bird lovers of any age.
$15 each (incl. shipping & tax) Limited quantity
All photos are available for purchase in colour or black & white- digital and hard copy. Framed photos available for an additional cost. Printing on canvas also available. Sizes and prices below. (large watermark removed) Digital copies for personal use only. Please contact me for commercial use of photos.
Chickadee 2
Chickadee portrait
Great Egret with catch
Wood Duck
Wood Duck in tree
American Bittern peek-a-boo
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret B&W
Northern Pintail female
Northern Shoveler female
Green Winged Teal female
Green Winged Teal male
Belted Kingfisher female
Red Breasted Nuthatch
Red Breasted Nutchatch 2
Baby Blue Jays
Red Breasted Nuthatch 3
Blue Jay
Blue Jay on branch
Trio of Baby Blue Jays
Curious Blue Jay
White Breasted Nuthatch
Northern Parula
Song Sparrow
Green Heron
Green Heron with catch
Green Heron 2
Great Egret flight
Great Blue Heron on golden pond
Great Blue Heron with catch
Great Blue Heron drying off
Yellow Rumped Warbler fall colours
Mute Swan and chick
Juvenile Mute Swan B&W
Juvenile Mute Swan
Juvenile Mute Swan reflection B&W
Juvenile Mute Swan reflection
Green Heron in marsh
Dark eyed Junco on branch
Downy Woodpecker in Dogwood (female)
Downy Woodpecker on stump (male)
Cormorant on dam
Rock Pigeon on branch in snowstorm
Northern Cardinal (male)
Red Tailed Hawk lookout
Red Tailed close up
Red Tailed Fall colours
Red Tailed Hawk hunting
Juvenile Coopers Hawk
Juvenile Coopers Hawk 2
Coopers Hawk on branch
Juvenile (1st year) Bald Eagle
Juvenile (1st year) Bald Eagle flight
Juvenile (1st year) Bald Eagle 2
Rough Legged Hawk hover
Rough Legged Hawk hover 2
Northern Harrier hunting
Northern Hawk Owl
Snowy in snowfall
Great Horned Owl at night
Snowy at the docks
Snowy owl
Snowy Owl 1
Snowy Owl 1 B&W
Snowy Owl 2
Snowy Owl 2 B&W
Snowy Owl 3
Snowy Owl 3 B&W
Snowy Owl 4
Snowy Owl 4 B&W
Snowy Owl 5
Snowy Owl 5 B&W
Short Eared Owl sunset
Short Eared Owl in grass
Short Eared Owl in grass 2
Short Eared Owl in grass 3
Short Eared Owl in grass 4
Short Eared Owl in grass 5
Eastern Screech Owl
Great Horned Owl
Northern Saw Whet Owl chillin'
Northern Saw Whet Owl
Long Eared Owl at sunset
Long Eared Owl at sunset 2
Long Eared Owl in pine
Red Fox Mama & Kit
Red Fox kits playing
Red Fox Princess
Eastern Coyote
Eastern Coyote on beach
Eastern Coyote camouflage
Eastern Coyote 2
Eastern Coyote on trail
Garter Snakes
Red Squirrel with snack
Squirrel with peanut
Red Squirrel looking for snack
Grey Squirrel & nut
Peek-a-boo Grey Squirrel
Jumping Salmon
Young White Tailed Deer
Fall Colours
Sun behind smoke from forest fire
5x7 $15 (2 for $25, 3 for $35)
8x10 $25 (2 for $45, 3 for $ 65)
11x14 $35 (2 for $65, 3 for $ 90)
16x20 $45 (2 for $80, 3 for $120 )
For orders, please contact me with the name of the photo(s) you wish to purchase, include the size.
Please allow up to two weeks for delivery.
For other sizes please contact me
Any photo can be made into a greeting card.
$10 each ( 2 for $15, 3 for $25)
Personal use only, may be printed.
For orders, please contact me with the name of the photo(s) you wish to purchase.
Please allow 1 to 2 days for delivery.
Please contact me for commercial use
Canvas Prints
8x12 $55
11x14 $65
16x30 $ 75
For orders, please contact me with the photo for the canvas you wish to purchase, include the size. Please allow up 2 to 3 weeks for delivery.
For Framed prints
Coming soon
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